Stream Metadata

Retrieve stream metadata

To retrieve stream information, request the URL from the node.

URL format

wss://[hostname]/json_[stream name].js



The socket is kept open and receives an update whenever the stream status changes. If the stream is online/active, the received data is identical to the JSON format. If the stream is in any other state, the received data is an object containing an error member variable, which has a value with a human-readable stream status.

Metadata example

      "height": 1080,
      "meta": {                         (1)
        "bframes": 0,
        "buffer_window": 7403,
        "live": 1,
        "tracks": {                     (2)
          "audio_AAC_2ch_48000hz_1": {  (3)
            "bps": 16005,               (5)
            "channels": 2,              (4)
            "codec": "AAC",             (6)
            "firstms": 2717263,
            "idx": 1,                   (7)
            "init": "\u0011\u0090",
            "lastms": 2727055,
            "maxbps": 16101,
            "rate": 48000,              (8)
            "size": 0,
            "trackid": 2,
            "type": "audio"             (9)
          "audio_opus_2ch_48000hz_0": {
            "bps": 16000,
            "channels": 2,
            "codec": "opus",
            "firstms": 2720037,
            "idx": 0,                   (7)
            "init": "OpusHead\u0001...\u0000",
            "lastms": 2727057,
            "maxbps": 16000,
            "rate": 48000,
            "size": 0,
            "trackid": 1,
            "type": "audio"             (9)
          "video_H264_1280x720_0fps_3": {
            "bps": 226259,
            "codec": "H264",
            "firstms": 2722266,
            "fpks": 0,
            "height": 720,
            "idx": 3,                   (7)
            "init": "\u0001d...\u00B0",
            "lastms": 2727066,
            "maxbps": 275810,
            "trackid": 4,
            "type": "video",            (9)
            "width": 1280
          "video_H264_1920x1080_0fps_2": {
            "bps": 458358,
            "codec": "H264",
            "firstms": 2722633,
            "fpks": 0,
            "height": 1080,
            "idx": 2,                   (7)
            "init": "\u0001d...\u00B0",
            "lastms": 2727066,
            "maxbps": 554770,
            "trackid": 3,
            "type": "video",            (9)
            "width": 1920
          "video_H264_256x144_0fps_6": {
            "bps": 56500,
            "codec": "H264",
            "firstms": 2722966,
            "fpks": 0,
            "height": 144,
            "idx": 6,                   (7)
            "init": "\u0001d...\u00B0",
            "lastms": 2727066,
            "maxbps": 70669,
            "trackid": 7,
            "type": "video",            (9)
            "width": 256
          "video_H264_640x360_0fps_5": {
            "bps": 108972,
            "codec": "H264",
            "firstms": 2722766,
            "fpks": 0,
            "height": 360,
            "idx": 5,                   (7)
            "init": "\u0001d ... \u00B0",
            "lastms": 2727066,
            "maxbps": 139809,
            "trackid": 6,
            "type": "video",            (9)
            "width": 640
          "video_H264_960x540_0fps_4": {
            "bps": 169570,
            "codec": "H264",
            "firstms": 2722366,
            "fpks": 0,
            "height": 540,
            "idx": 4,                   (7)
            "init": "\u0001d...\u00B0",
            "lastms": 2727066,
            "maxbps": 206250,
            "trackid": 5,
            "type": "video",            (9)
            "width": 960
        "version": 4
      "source": [ ],
      "type": "live",
      "width": 1920
  1. Summary of the stream’s internal metadata
  2. Full listing of all media tracks in the stream
  3. Unique per-track identifier
  4. Average bytes per second for this track
  5. Audio track channels count
  6. Codec used for this media track
  7. Unique track number
  8. Audio track sampling rate in Hz
  9. Type of track: audio, video