Network Requirements

Understanding Used Ports and Protocols

In the domain of video streaming, a multitude of protocols have been developed to cater to various use cases and requirements. Each protocol has its own set of ports which it utilizes for communication.

Below is a detailed overview of the primary protocols we've adopted for our streaming service, accompanied by the specific ports associated with each:

ProtocolPortProtocol TypePurpose
WebRTC443TCPSecured WebSocket (Signaling & HTTPS), WHIP and WHEP
4433TCPAlternative for Secured WebSocket & HTTPS, WHIP and WHEP
2000-65535UDPTransmission of secured streaming media (SRTP)
3478TCPTURN relay (Backup if UDP is blocked)
RTMP1935TCPMain RTMP streaming port
RTSP5553TCPDefault RTSP port
SRT8889UDPIncoming connections (caller mode). Our edge nodes currently support only the listening mode.
8899UDPOutgoing connections (caller mode). Our edge nodes currently support only the listening mode.
HLS/DASH/HESP443TCPHTTPS for secure media streaming
4433TCPAlternative for HTTPS
80TCPHTTP for media streaming
8080TCPAlternative for HTTP


Packet Filtering

It is recommended to turn off packet filtering. Enabling it can lead to unforeseen outcomes, potentially obstructing the traffic of unidentified or unsupported protocols.