JUMP TOWelcomeWelcome to the Streaming Cloud APIGetting StartedHTTP Status CodesAuthorizationStreaming Cloud APIinfoFetch stream informationgetinputsCreate an input streampostGet a list of streamsgetGet a specific stream by IDgetUpdate a streamputDelete a streamdeleteGet output settings by stream IDgetUpdate output settingsputloginLog inpostoutputsRequest outputpostGet outputs by stream IDgetDelete an outputdeleteInvalidate all active sessionsdeletepushesCreate a new pushpostFetch a stream pushgetDelete a stream push by IDdeleteRetrieve pushes by stream IDgetrecordingsCreate a new recordingpostFetch recordingsgetFetch a recording by IDgetDelete a recordingdeleteStop recordingputFetch recordings by stream IDgetsnapshotsFetch stream snapshotgetSet up snapshot settingsputFetch snapshot settingsgetClear snapshot settingsdeletestorageAdd storagepostRetrieve all storagegetFetch storagegetUpdate storageputDelete storagedeletestatisticsFetch stream statisticsgetFetch all stream statisticsgetPowered by Fetch stream informationget https://api.ceeblue.tv/v1/info/stream/{id}/{source}Retrieve specific stream information by stream ID and capture source