JUMP TOWelcomeWelcome to the Streaming Cloud APICeeblue ResourcesQuick Start GuideGetting StartedHTTP Status CodesAuthorizationCreate a new streamStreaming Cloud APIinfoFetch stream informationgetinputsCreate an input streampostGet a list of streamsgetGet a specific stream by IDgetUpdate a streamputDelete a streamdeleteGet output settings by stream IDgetUpdate output settingsputloginLog inpostoutputsRequest outputpostGet outputs by stream IDgetDelete an outputdeleteInvalidate all active sessionsdeletepushesCreate a new pushpostFetch a stream pushgetDelete a stream push by IDdeleteRetrieve pushes by stream IDgetrecordingsCreate a new recordingpostFetch recordingsgetFetch a recording by IDgetDelete a recordingdeleteStop recordingputFetch recordings by stream IDgetsnapshotsFetch stream snapshotgetSet up snapshot settingsputFetch snapshot settingsgetClear snapshot settingsdeletestorageAdd storagepostRetrieve all storagegetFetch storagegetUpdate storageputDelete storagedeletestatisticsFetch stream statisticsgetFetch all stream statisticsgetPowered by Delete storagedelete https://api.ceeblue.tv/v1/storages/{id}Deletes storage by ID from the Ceeblue Cloud